Disclaimer: If you do not approve of eating animals, become uneasy at the mention of blood, or wish not to see a reindeer being processed *read only to the asterisk*! “We are not working in Porjus tomorrow. I have to pick up a few of my reindeer,” Olof Thomas, my boss, phoned to tell me. […]
Step one: Marry someone who will go to Sweden as a visiting researcher and therefore be entitled to a work permit. This is not actually why I married Amanda but is just one of the many perks gained through marriage to her, among which include dealing with her constantly cold feet, especially important now in […]
We have been in Sweden for more than two months now. The first month was spent in Stockholm taking intensive language classes at the Folkuniversitet. Amanda took an advanced class as her Swedish skills are quite good, owing to the fact that her mother is Swedish, her dad speaks Swedish, and she spent summers in […]